I. Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind, prior to starting your zoom session:
Connection quality decreases with increased windows on the computer screen of a call. CAPA limits the number of student windows to 11 or 12 for this reason.
Check that the latest versions of ZOOM and the Operating System are installed.
Quit all other programs (music, email, browsers, etc.) – they use bandwidth and can disrupt the connection.
Do not use a laptop battery; please plug it into a wall socket.
Be sure no one else in the house is using their computer – as it uses more bandwidth and can disrupt the connection.
II. Installing ZOOM, Audio & Visual Basics:
Go to the Zoom website https://zoom.us/download and install the free Zoom program. Given that CAPA has specific Zoom accounts for its classes, you need not download the Zoom for large meetings, nor do you need a paid Zoom account.
Audio: The speakers in modern computers work fine, as do the built-in microphones. However, using a headset sometimes improves the audio quality and minimizes background noise.
Hardware needed: computer monitor, speakers (built-in, external, or headphones are all acceptable), and a camera (built-in or external webcam are both adequate). For all ZOOM functions, your computer is almost definitely good as is, but please do take the time to run a tech check before your class starts.