Basic Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Training
Basic Training: 2 Years: 30 weeks/year - 4 hours/week
Each week: Theory Class, Technique Class, and Continuous Case Conference
Individual Supervision: 1 session/week for 30 weeks/year
All training employs distance modalities. Usually Zoom
Downloadable reading lists: PDFs and PEPWeb
All students receive access to PEPWeb
CAPA Graduation Certificates
Each year, CAPA invites 40 applicants to begin the Basic Training Program, with the possibility that the size of the class may vary slightly from year to year under special circumstances. There is no limit to the number of applications accepted.
Also, it is CAPA's mission to train the leaders of the next generation of Chinese psychodynamic psychotherapists. To this end, only people who will be in China throughout the training and who are planning to work in China throughout their careers are eligible to apply for CAPA Training.